7 Reasons Why Norway Is An Important Country

Norway is a relatively small country in north-western Europe. The country has a long coastline and is known for its natural beauty. However, Norway has a small population by global standards and really should play quite a limited role on the world stage, but this isn’t the case. In fact, many would argue that Norway is a highly significant nation. Here we break down some of the main factors that make Norway so important…

1. Norway Is A Rich Country

A first reason why Norway is an important country is because it is wealthy.

Norway is one of the most prosperous countries the world. With a GDP of 482.2 billion dollars, Norway is the 28th richest nation. This is especially impressive considering Norway has a small population of only 5.4 million people. The fact that Norway has been able to develop such a wealthy economy is highly impressive. This is a factor that makes the country significant.

People in Norway have a high-standard of living and are rich by global standards. Norway has a per capita income of 82,840 USD – essentially the average amount a Norwegian earns in a year. This gives Norway the third highest per capita income in the world – another factor that adds to its importance.

Norway has a highly advanced and developed economy. Key economic sectors such as natural resources, fishing, tourism, hydropower and forestry ensure a dynamic and vibrant economy across the country. This helps to keep Norway prosperous and adds to why it is a significant nation.

2. Norway Has A Unique Relationship With Europe

A second reason why Norway is so important is because of its position in Europe.

Norway is arguably one of the richest and most influential European countries. However, Norway is not a member of the European Union, and never has been. There are key European Union policies, especially the common fisheries area, that Norway does not wish to be party too. As a result, Norway is one of the only major European nations not to be in the EU.

With that said, Norway does have relationship with the EU, and quite a unique one. Norway is the largest country in the European Economic Area (that is not also in the EU). The EEA is made up of all EU countries, plus Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein. EEA membership is similar to being in the EU, for example members are part of the Single Market and Customs Union, however it is not full EU membership.

Norway’s unique relation with the European Union is actually a key reason for its importance.

3. The Country Has Immense Oil Reserves

A third reason why Norway is an important country is because of its massive oil industry.

Norway has 22nd largest proven oil reserves in the world. This gives it the most oil of any country in Europe. There are definitely countries in the world with more oil than Norway, but for a small European country, Norway actually has immense stocks of oil.

The huge quantity of oil Norway has is a key reason why the country is important. Norway has used its oil wealth wisely – building up a massive sovereign wealth fund and investing in infrastructure and public services. This is a model more countries should follow and is a big reason why Norway is seen as so important.

4. Norway Is A Significant Aid Donor

Another reason why Norway is an important country is because of its overseas aid spending.

Norway is one the largest humanitarian and development donors in the world, especially per capita. In recent years Norway has provided over five billion dollars a year in international assistance. For a small country, this is highly impressive. Norway’s heavy focus on international aid ensures the country’s soft power position, and its humanitarian donations mean that many around the world view Norway in a positive way.

There are many major humanitarian organisations that come from Norway. These include the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Norwegian Red Cross and Norwegian People’s Aid. Agencies such as these work around the world providing lifesaving aid to people affected by conflicts, poverty and disasters. Norway also has a strong stance on taking refugees, with tens of thousands of people seeking asylum in the country each year.

Norway’s humanitarianism is a key reason why many see the country as important.

5. The Country Is A Strong Democracy

One reason why Norway is an important country is because of its strong democracy.

Norway has a long democratic tradition. The country has been a democracy for much of its history. The nation holds regular free and fair elections, and politicians in Norway are held accountable to the population.

There is strong rule of law in Norway. The press is free and all people have the right to freedom of speech, assembly and association. There are multiple political parties in Norway that compete for people’s votes.

Norway has extremely low levels of corruption, in fact is it ranked the 4th least corrupt country in the world. This further adds to its importance.

The combination of Norway’s democracy, freedoms and low corruption rates makes the country hugely significant.

6. Norway Has A Fascinating History

A further reason why Norway is an important country is because of its history.

The modern Norwegian state was founded in 1814. However, the Nordic people living along the coast of north western Europe have had communities for millennia. The Vikings, who conquered major parts of Europe around the eighth century, mainly came from Norway. This just shows just how important the country’s history is.

Norway has centuries of significant history, much of it is very well preserved. Norwegians keep their history alive and there are many museums and historical sites to see across the country.

Nazi Germany invaded Norway in April 1940 and occupied it throughout World War Two. The Norwegians put-up stiff resistance to the Germans and several key battles of the war were fought in Norway. This further shows how significant Norwegian history is.

7. Norway Has An Amazing Culture

A final reason why Norway is an important country is because of its amazing culture

As we’ve said, Norway has a long and fascinating past. One result of this has been the development of a unique culture. Norwegian culture blends Nordic and wider-European roots to form something distinct. Norway is well known for its food, art, music, architecture and culture events.

Many link Norway’s culture to other Scandinavian countries including Denmark and Sweden. Although there are similarities, Norway’s culture has many aspects that are linked directly to the country’s cultural traditions. This is one reason why the country is seen as important.

Millions of people visit Norway each year. The country’s culture is one of the major reasons why. Norway has also been successful, especially in recent decades, in promoting its culture abroad. This has helped more people connect with Norway and increased the county’s soft power standing. All of these factors combined make it clear that Norway’s culture is one reasons why it is an important country.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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