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Welcome to Global Affairs Explained

About Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project that aims to answer some of the questions people have about the modern world. The objective of the site is to provide clear and concise guides to aspects of world affairs that often remain untouched by traditional media.

Global Affairs Explained is committed to original research and the use of data to provide accessible information on international relations, geo-politics, historical events, and alternative history.

About The Author

This site is currently written by Duncan Ball. As the son of a historian, Duncan grew up discussing history and dinner table conversation often turned to past events and modern global politics. Duncan currently works in humanitarian aid – moving between disaster and conflict zones running aid projects. This has further added to an interest in global affairs and a passion for understanding why events around the world develop the way they do.


Global Affaires Explained is the personal writing of Duncan Ball. All attempts are made to ensure the information is fully up-to-date and accurate. Any misinformation is an individual error and in no way an attempt to mis-represent an organisation, institution, or body. Please make contact to address any error found.

This site is entirely a personal project of Duncan Ball and is in no way affiliated with any organisation, government, or person.