6 Reasons Why Mexican Culture Is Important

Mexico is a relatively large country making up a good proportion of North America. With a population of over a hundred million people, Mexico is actually the tenth most populated country in the world. However, although Mexico is a comparatively large country, its cultural reach is actually enormous. All around the world people know elements of Mexican culture. In fact, Mexican culture could be seen as one of the most significant, and important in the world. But why is this? Well, let us explain…

1. Mexico Has A Unique Culture

A first reason why Mexican culture is important is because it is so unique.

Mexican culture is one of the most amazing in the world. The food, music, art, film, television, dress, traditions and customs that come out of Mexico are a defining aspect of the nation. The cultural outputs of Mexico are globally renowned. This shows how important Mexican culture is.

The culture of Mexico is defined by its vibrancy, humanity, humor and liveliness. Mexicans actively keep their culture alive, and many people around the world embrace elements of Mexican culture. Although Mexican culture relates closely to that of other cultures in Latin America, and to Spanish culture, in fact Mexican culture is truly unique. This fact alone makes Mexican culture hugely important.

2. Mexican Culture Is Highly Diverse

A second reason Mexican culture is so important is because it is highly diverse.

Mexico is a huge country covering over 700,000 square miles . It also has a huge population of 126 million people. These two factors alone ensure that Mexico has a very diverse culture. Mexican culture can vary greatly between regions. There are distinct cultural elements in different parts of Mexico, from the food to customs and traditions. The diversity of Mexican culture is a key reason why it is so important.

One factor that adds to the diversity of Mexican culture is the huge Mexican diaspora community in the United States. Millions of Mexicans have migrated north, bringing their culture with them. This has resulted in a merging of elements of American and Mexican cultures. In fact, there are whole parts of American culture – see Tex-Mex food, that now essentially add to the diversity of Mexican culture (even if some would like to disown it).

The enormous diversity that can be found in Mexican culture is one reason why it is so important.

3. Mexican Culture Is Steeped In History

A third reason why Mexican culture is important is because it is steeped in history.

Mexico has a long and fascinating history – from the indigenous cultures that existed before the arrival of the Spanish, to the period of colonization through to independence and the modern Mexican state. Mexican history is varied and complex. This is reflected in the country’s culture and adds significantly to its importance.

The culture of Mexico is a direct reflection of the country’s past. Mexicans embrace their history through their cultural traditions. This includes acknowledging the struggles Mexico has faced, as well as celebrating the glorious times that Mexico has witnessed. Mexican culture is as interesting as the country’s history, and this is another reason why it is so important.

4. Mexican Culture Is Enjoyed All Over The World

Another reason why Mexican culture is important is because it is enjoyed all over the world.

Mexico has an incredible cultural reach. Just see how almost every medium-sized city will have a Mexican restaurant. Ok, many would dispute the authenticity of these, but it still shows how Mexico’s culture has spread around the world.

Millions of Mexicans have emigrated overseas, taking their culture with them. This is especially true in the United States, where Mexican culture is now highly prevalent. The fact that people all around the world feel a connection with Mexican culture, and enjoy it, shows how important it is.

Mexican culture is perhaps one of the best known globally. This is a big reason why its so important.

5. Mexican Culture Has Been Very Influential

One reason why Mexican culture is important is because it has been so influential.

As we’ve said, Mexico has incredible cultural reach. As a result, Mexican culture has had a massive influence on the cultures of other nations. Firstly, throughout Latin America, Mexican culture has impacted the food, art, music, cinema and dress  in many places. Secondly, the United States has had its culture greatly influenced by that of Mexico. Lastly, around the world people’s affinity with Mexican culture means it has had a global influence with many people adopting aspects of Mexican culture.

The extent of a culture’s influence on others is a big indication of its importance. Mexican culture is perhaps one of the most impactful over recent centuries and into the modern day. This shows its significance.

6. Many People Travel To Mexico To Experience Its Culture

A final reason why Mexican culture is important is because millions of people travel to Mexico each year to experience it.

Mexico receives around 66 million international tourists a year. This makes it one of the countries in the world receiving the most international visitors. Mexico’s culture is a big reason why people choose to travel to the country. The food, music, art, traditions, customs and ceremonies in Mexico are amazing, and anyone traveling to the country can experience them. This is why so many people choose to travel to Mexico. It also shows how important the country’s culture is.

With so many tourists visiting Mexico, the country makes significant revenue. In fact, tourism makes up 8% of the Mexican economy. The fact that Mexico’s culture is such a draw for people, combined with the economic benefits Mexico sees from tourism, is another indication of how important Mexico’s culture is.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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