7 Reasons Why The UAE Is A First World Country

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a small nation located on the south eastern tip of the Arabian peninsula. For much of the country’s history it has been made up of poor tribes eking out an existence in the harsh desert climate. However, today, the UAE is a major global player. But this begs the question, has the UAE actually become a first world country? In fact, it has, and we’ll explain why…

1. The UAE Is A Rich Country

A first reason why the UAE is a first world country is because it is wealthy.

For a country to be designated as first world, it must have significant wealth. People of that nation must earn high salaries by the world average, and live good quality lives. The United Arab Emirates is an extremely wealthy nation, and this is one reason why it is definitely a first world country.

The UAE is the 37th richest country in the world. This means not only do citizens of the UAE have significant wealth, but the country’s government is also able to raise the revenue it needs to fund infrastructure and key public services such as education and healthcare. This is another clear indication that the UAE is a first world country.

Another indication that the UAE is a first world nation is the country’s high per capita income. The per capita income of the United Arab Emirates is 71,280 USD. This is essentially the amount of money an average Emirati earns in a year. The UAE has the 20th highest per capita income in the world – showing clearly that it is a first world country.

2. The UAE Has A Developed Economy

A second reason why the UAE is a first world country is because it has a developed economy.

First world countries all have developed economies. This means their economic model is based on advanced technology and high wages. They also have good education systems and the infrastructure needed to support a developed economy.

The United Arab Emirates has a highly advanced economy and it’s one reason why the country is in the first world. There are many advanced industries in the UAE. Key economic sectors in the country include oil, natural gas, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, computer sciences and technology start-ups. Economic sectors such as these are a clear indication of a developed economy, as they involve advanced manufacturing, computing and scientific processes, as well as require a skilled workforce.

The diversity of the UAE economy is another factor that makes the country first world. Poorer countries tend to rely on only a few economic sectors where as developed economies can support a range of economic areas. The combination of the UAE’s advanced and diverse economy is a major reason why it is a first world country.

3. There Is Good Infrastructure In The UAE

A third reason why the United Arab Emirates is a first world country is because it has good infrastructure.

Infrastructure is the physical structures that allow a nation to function. It includes roads, railways, airports, tele-communication networks and utilities. Poorer countries lack good infrastructure as their governments do not have the revenue to build the infrastructure they need or maintain the infrastructure they have. First world nations are characterised by their good infrastructure.

The UAE has some of the best infrastructure in the world, and this is a key reason why it’s a first world country. There are roads connecting all major cities in the UAE, as well as smaller communities. Dubai has a modern metro system and there is one under construction in Abu Dhabi. The UAE is also currently building a national rail network. The UAE has some of the largest and most important airports in the world – Dubai and Abu Dhabi, both of which are major global interchanges. Both the tele-communication and utilities in the UAE are to first world standards. All of this combines to clearly show the UAE is a first world nation.

4. The UAE Has World-class Healthcare

Another reason why the UAE is a first world country is because of its quality healthcare.

One factor that characterises first world nations is that their governments have the revenue to ensure that all citizens can access quality healthcare when they need it. This includes people on low incomes as well as those living in rural and remote areas.

The healthcare system of the UAE is ranked among the best in the world. All Emiratis are able to access free healthcare and no citizens of the UAE go without medical assistance. There are many top hospitals within the UAE and as well as specialist clinics that people can attend if they need. Many top medical professional from around the world choose to work in the UAE due to the high pay and good conditions.

The quality, and accessibility, or healthcare in the UAE is one reason why it is definitely a first world country.

5. The UAE Has A Strong Education System

One reason why the UAE is a first world country is because of the nation’s good education system.

Poor countries lack the funds to run good school for their children. This means many young people in poorer nations fail to receive the education they need. Often parents must pay for school, and many cannot afford to. School provision in rural and remote areas of poorer countries is also often lacking.

The United Arab Emirates has a world-class education system. The school system of the UAE is ranked 43rd in the world. All Emirati children receive free schooling. Across the country children can access quality primary and secondary education. University education is also free for Emirati citizens, meaning that young people do not go into debt in order to receive a degree.

The fact that the UAE has one of the top education systems in the world is another reason why it is a first world country.  

6. There Is Advanced Industry In The UAE

A further reason why the United Arab Emirates is a first world country is because of the range of advanced industries there.

A key characteristic of a first world country is it utilizes advanced industrial processes in order to create high value-add products and services. This is something poor countries are generally unable to do. The UAE is at the cutting edge of many technological advancements. There are major science, computing, technology and manufacturing hubs across the United Arab Emirates. The UAE government has invested heavily in developing these sectors, as well as attracting talent and investments from around the world in order to sustain them.

The focus the UAE has on becoming a global leader in advanced industries, combined with the significant resources the country is dedicating to achieving this aim, is a clear indication that it’s a first world country.

7. The UAE Military Is Well Funded

A final reason why the UAE is a first world country is because of the strength of it’s military.

Countries in the third world generally lack the funds needed to support a modern, well trained and well-equipped armed forces. This impacts their security as they lack the resources needed to combat internal and external threats.

The armed forces on the UAE are formidable, especially for a relatively small country. With 65,000 active service personnel and 130,000 reservists, the United Arab Emirates has a large military comparative to its size. The UAE armed forces have 354 main battle tanks, as well as 335 combat aircraft and 22 warships. The size of the UAE military is a key factor in why the country must be considered in the first world.

As well as having a large military comparative to its size, the armed forces of the UAE are also well equipped and highly trained. They have access to much of the latest military technology, as well as modern training techniques. This adds significantly to their fighting capabilities and also shows that the UAE is definitely a first world nation.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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