7 Reasons Why Nigeria Is An Important Country

Nigeria is a country with a mixed global reputation. As a major nation in Africa and a rising economy, Nigeria gets significant praise for its rapid rise. However, widespread extreme poverty ad chronic armed violence also garners the world’s attention on Nigeria’s major issues. Although Nigeria definitely faces challenges, actually the country plays a vital role on the world stage. Here’s seven factors that make Nigeria an important country…

1. Nigeria Has A Massive Population

A first reason why Nigeria is an important country is because of its huge population.

Nigeria has a population of over 213 million people. This makes it the sixth most populous country in the world, and the most populous in Africa. The simple fact that Nigeria has so many people is a major reason why it’s so important.

Having a huge population makes a country important for a range of reasons. These include having a larger economy, greater influence and more global connections. Every country with a big population is at least a significant regional power, but is also often a major player on the world stage. Nigeria is important because its huge population allows it to project its influence across West Africa, the entire continent and globally.

2. Nigeria Is One Of The Biggest Countries In Africa

A second reason why Nigeria is important is because it is one of the biggest countries in Africa.

Across Africa there are 54 countries. These vary in size from small nations like Rwanda and Burundi, to very large ones. Nigeria covers a total area of more than 923 square kilometers. This makes it the 14th largest country in Africa, and the 31st largest in the world. The simple size of Nigeria is one factor contributing to its importance.

The reasons for a country being important due to its size are similar to those of having a bigger population. Geographically larger countries generally have bigger economies. They are also more secure, and often economically, culturally and politically dominate their regions. This is very true for Nigeria, which is arguably the most influential country in West Africa. Nigeria’s size also makes it a major player across Africa, as well as globally. All these points combined mean that Nigeria is a highly important nation.

3. The Country Has An Amazing History

A third reason why Nigeria is so important is because of the country’s amazing history.

Nigeria’s recorded history goes back centuries. In fact, humans have inhabited the lands that are modern day Nigeria for millennia. Some of Africa’s greatest civilizations, including the Benin and Oyo, were located in what is today Nigeria. The amazing history of the country is a big reason why Nigeria is significant.

As well as having an amazing past, Nigeria also has many hardships in its history. The country was involved in the trans-Atlantic slave trade between the 1520s into the 19th Century, where millions of Africans were forcibly moved to the Americas. Nigeria was also colonized by the British, who took control in 1884. Nigeria only gained independence in 1960. Swiftly following the founding of the nation, the Biafran conflict broke-out, which claimed the lives of over two million Nigerians.

Nigeria’s fascinating history, in both its glory and its horror, is one reason why the country is important.

4. Nigeria A Major Economy

Another reason why Nigeria is an important country is because of the size of its economy.

Nigeria has a GDP of 440 billion USD, which makes it the richest country in Africa. This gives Nigeria significant regional influence. It also means Nigeria is developing a stronger upper and middle class, that will further invest and develop the nation. The size of Nigeria’s economy means it attracts companies and talent from around Africa and the world. This further adds to the country’s importance.

The economy of Nigeria is heavily dependent on natural resources, especially oil. This does weaken the economy overall; however it also generates significant wealth. If Nigeria can better diversity its economy, its influence and significance across Africa, and globally, will only increase.

Nigeria has a per capita income of 5,200 USD – this is essentially the average amount a Nigerian earns in a year. This is low by global standards, but is one of the highest in Africa. This makes Nigerians comparatively rich compared to many of their neighbors. This is another factor that contributes to Nigeria being an important nation.

5. Nigeria Is Rich In Natural Resources

One reason why Nigeria is an important country is because it is so rich in natural resources.

Nigeria has massive reservices of minerals vital to the modern global economy. The country has the second largest oil reserves in Africa, and the 10th largest reserves in the world. This produces immense wealth for Nigeria. It also makes it a key global player, with many nations courting it in order to ensure their supply of oil. Nigeria’s oil is perhaps one the biggest reasons why it’s such an important country.

There are also enormous natural gas reserves in Nigeria, as well as deposits of gold, zinc, iron ore, coal and uranium, to name just a few. Nigeria essentially has all the natural resources that a modern economy needs. If these were better managed, Nigeria could be one of the richest countries in the world. However, the fact that so many nations must trade with Nigeria to get the resources they need, makes Nigeria a vital country.

6. The Country Faces Extensive Armed Violence

A further reason why Nigeria is important is because of its ongoing conflict.

Since 2009, Nigeria has faced an armed rebellion, mainly focused in the north east of the country. The Islamist group Boko Haram has waged war against the Nigerian army for years and terrorized civilians. At times they have controlled significant territory. Much international attention has been paid to the Boko Haram conflict, and this has made Nigeria more well-known around the world, although sadly for the wrong reasons.

Boko Haram and the conflict against the Nigerian armed forces has caused a humanitarian crisis. A major aid response has ran for years in north eastern Nigeria aiming to assist people affected by the fighting. This response has required enormous funding from international donors, who see assisting people across Nigeria as vital.

7. There Is Widespread Extreme Poverty In Nigeria

A final reason why Nigeria is an important country is because of its widespread poverty.

Nearly half of all Nigerians live in extreme poverty – defined as living on less than 1.90 USD a day. This makes Nigeria the country with the 36th highest poverty rate in the world. Sadly, this makes Nigeria important.

Huge numbers of Nigerians are unable to meet their basic needs, such as decent housing, food, medical care, clean water and sanitation. As a result, Nigeria’s life expectancy is only 52.8 years old.

Billions of dollars in international aid are spent in Nigeria each year. Although actually, the country has the wealth to lift all its people out of destitution, especially based on its natural resource reserves. However, chronic mis-management, corruption, weak governance, poor institutions and economic inefficiencies mean Nigeria has struggled to lower its poverty rate. This depressing fact actually means that making progress in Nigeria is vital to reducing the extent of global poverty.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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