6 Reasons Why Indian Culture Is Important

A country’s culture is one of the defining factors that makes it unique. A nation’s culture is made up elements such as its food, dress, architecture, religion, ceremonies and traditions. There are millions of different cultures around the world, all of which are significant. However, one of the most prominent, and highly regarded cultures, is that of India. But why is Indian culture so significant globally? And what makes Indian culture so important? Well, let us explain…

1. India Has An Amazing Culture

A first reason why Indian culture is important is because it is incredible.

India has one of the most diverse, rich and absorbing cultures in the world. Everything from Indian food, music, dance, dress and traditions are vibrant and colourful. This is a huge contrast to many other cultures, especially Western cultures, and is one reason why Indian culture is so important.

The depth of Indian culture, combined with its incredible vitality and life-fullness makes it one of the most important cultures in the world. India is renowned for having one of the most unique, and amazing cultures of any place. The fact that Indian culture is so highly regarded, and is seen as one of the world’s most incredible, is a major reason why it is so important.

Think of the richest cultures in the world, and many people would list Indian culture near the top. This shows just how important it is.

2. Indian Culture Is Highly Diverse

A second reason why Indian culture is important is because it is so diverse.

India is an enormous country – covering 1.2 million square miles and with a population of over 1.4 billion people. There are 705 officially recognized ethnic groups across India and 398 languages spoken in the country. This incredible diversity is mirrored in India’s diverse culture, which is one reason why it’s so important.

Across India, there is an enormous range of food, dress, traditions and customs. The incredible diversity across India, combined with the country’s huge population, means a range of unique and defined sub-cultures have emerged. This means you can go to one part of India and experience and culture, before traveling to another and experiencing very different cultural traditions.

There many countries with diverse cultures, but few with the diversity that India has. This makes the country’s culture hugely important.

3. Indian Culture Has A Deep History

A third reason why Indian culture is important is because of its deep history.

India’s culture can trace its roots back millennia. The history of India and its culture is well-studied and research shows the deep historical ties that modern Indian culture has. Anyone who travels to India, or engages with Indian culture, will recognize that it is a long-standing and deep-rooted culture. This makes it important.

The culture of India has gone through many transitions and major events throughout its history. From the Muslim Mughal conquest in the 1500s, to the British colonization of the country, through to partition and modern India’s independence – Indian culture has been defined by the nation’s past.

The deep connection Indian culture has with its history, combined with the amazing traditions the culture has gone through in the country’s turbulent past, makes it one of the most important cultures in the world.

4. Indian Culture Is Enjoyed All Over The World

Another reason why Indian culture is so important is because it is enjoyed all over the world.

India has a massive cultural reach. In almost every town and city in the world there are Indian restaurants – ok, some dispute how authentic many of these establishments are, but still, there presence shows how wide Indian culture has spread.

Major Indian festivals, such as Diwali, are often celebrated publicly in major global cities such as London, New York and Paris. This also shows how important many around the world see Indian culture to be.

There are massive Indian diaspora communities all around the world. As people have emigrated from India, they have taken their culture with them. This has imbedded Indian culture in many places around the world, as well as ensured it is seen as culturally important globally.

5. Indian Culture Has Had A Massive Influence

One reason why Indian culture is important is because of the massive influence it has had.

For centuries, Indian culture has had a huge global influence. For example, during the era of the British Raj, everything from the architecture to clothing styles in the UK were heavily influenced by Indian culture. This has resulted in Indian culture having a defining influence on the culture of Great Britain.

The Beatles – arguably the most famous and important musical group of all time, looked heavily to Indian culture to inspire their later music. This is a great example of how important Indian culture is.

The popularity of yoga around the world – now a trendy workout with yoga studies across many major cities, again shows how influential Indian culture has been.

…these are just some examples that show the huge influence Indian culture has had on other cultures around the world. This influence is a big reason why Indian culture is so important.

Millions Of People Travel To India To Enjoy Its Culture

A final reason why Indian culture is important is because millions of people travel to India each year, partly to experience the country’s rich culture.

India receives nearly ten million tourists a year. People from all over the world travel to India, partly to experience the country’s incredible culture. Everything from the food, customs, traditions, architecture, cultural history and religious sites draw tourists to India. Many people who go to India say that experiencing the country’s culture is one of the biggest factors for them. This goes to show just how important people around the world see Indian culture to be.

Tourism to India is a major part of the country’s economy. Tourist spending provides significant revenue for Indian business, and visas fees also raise money for the Indian government. This economic boost is very much built on the back of the importance of Indian culture – as so many people travel to India because they are drawn by the culture of the nation.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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