8 Reasons Why Canada Is Important

Canada is the second largest country in the world. However, the country only has a population of just over 38 million people. Essentially, most of Canada is empty wilderness.  In fact, Canada’s population is much smaller than that of many major nations. Despite this, Canada is still seen as one of the most prominent, and influential nations on the world stage, but why is this? Why is Canada so important?

1. Canada Is A Huge Country

A first reason why Canada is important is because it is an enormous country.

Canada covers a total landmass of nearly 10 million square kilometers – making it the second largest country in the world. Although the country is sparsely populated, with most of the metropolitan canters lying in the south, closer to the US border, the sheer size of Canada cannot be ignored as a reason why the country is important.

The size of Canada contributes to the nation’s significance in many ways. It provides the country with strategic importance  as well as secures its own defences alongside being vital to the defence of the United States. It also gives the country hugely varied landscapes, wildlife and tundra, making Canada one of the most stunningly beautiful countries in the world.

It is hard to fathom the sheer enormity of Canada. It is as big as all of Europe put together. The simple fact that Canada is so incredibly large is key reason in why the nation is so important.

2. Canada Has A Large Economy

A second reason why Canada is an important country is because of the size of its economy.

Canada as a total GBP of 1.98 trillion USD – this is essentially the total wealth generated by the nation. Canada has the ninth highest GDP globally, meaning the country is a major world economy. Canada’s GDP puts its economy as slightly smaller than Italy’s, but slightly bigger than Brazil’s. For a country of 38 million people – only the 37th most populus nation, the size of Canada’s economy shows the wealth the nation generates, which makes Canada an important country.

Alongside having a large economy, Canadians are also wealthy by global standards. Canada has a per capita income of just over 51,000 USD – this is basically the average amount a Canadian earns in a year.  This gives Canada the 18th highest GDP in the world, highlighting how vital Canada is globally.

Generally, Canadians have a high standard of living. They work good jobs, that provide them with the income needed to cover their basic needs, as well as additional to spend on things they enjoy. The fact that Canada is a wealthy nation with a large economy makes the country important.

3. Canada Effectively Utilises Soft Power

A third reason why Canada is important is because the country is effect at utilising soft power.

In global affairs, soft power is defined as a nation using cooperation and persuasion, rather than force or coercion, to ensure their strategic aims are met. Canada is renowned for being an effective user of soft power around the world, and this makes the country important.

Canada is a major diplomatic player. There are Canadian embassies in 145 countries and 185 consulates around the world. Canada is active in global bodies such as the United Nations. Elements such as these contribute greatly to Canada’s significance as a country,

Another way that Canada uses soft power is through the provision of international development and humanitarian assistance. Canada is one of the largest aid donors per capita, and provides assistance to countries suffering crises, conflicts and disasters, as well as funds to help lift people out of poverty around the world. Canada donates this aid as an altruistic move, but also as a way to promote Canada, protect its interests and promote its values. This all adds to Canada’s importance.

4. Canada Has A Network Of Alliances

Another reason why Canada is important is because of its network of alliances.

Canada was a founding member of NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This is defensive alliance of 31 nations across North America and Europe. Canada plays an active role in NATO, especially in supporting the defense of Eastern European countries. This makes Canada important.

Alongside being a vital member of NATO, Canada is also one of the most important allies of the United States. The two countries have an 8891-kilometer border, and a long-shared history. Being an ally of the most powerful and, arguably, most important country in the world – the US, makes Canada significant.

Canada also has formal and informal alliances with other important global players, including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and India. This adds to Canada’s importance as a nation.

5. Canadian Culture Is Consumed Globally

One reason why Canada is an important country is because its culture has global reach.

Canadian culture may not be as widely consumed as some other nations, but still Canada can be seen as a significant cultural power. Canadian celebrities, films, music and art are enjoyed around the world. This allows people to develop a cultural connection with Canada, which adds to their positive views of the country.

Sports men and women from Canada perform well in international competition, especially in the Winter Olympics. Canada is a major sporting nations that often competes in competition including the football World Cup.

Culture and sport are important ways that countries promote themselves internationally. The fact that Canada uses these factors to have a worldwide reach makes the country important.

6. Canada Is Rich As In Natural Resources

A key reason why Canada is so important is because it is rich in natural resources.

Canada has vast reserves of natural resources including gold, coal, iron ore and copper. Resources such as these are vital to powering the global economy. Canada has a major advantage in the fact it has so many valuable resources as its disposable. It means Canada has the resources needed for its own economy, and also makes significant revenue for the country by selling natural resources overseas.

Although Canada is rich in natural resources, its economy is not overly reliant on them. This shows the country has avoided the resource curse – where an economy becomes over-dependent on natural resources to the determent of other economic sectors.

The combination of Canada’s vast natural resources, combined with the diversity of the Canadian economy, makes it an important country.

7. Canada Is A Strong Democracy

One reason why Canada is important is because it is a strong democracy.

Canada has a long democratic tradition. Today, the country is known globally for having strong democratic institutions, its adherence to the rule of law, and political stability. Many people around the world admire Canada not only for its political system, but also for how politics in the country is conducted – in a fair and generally civilised manor. The respect Canada draws due to its political system is a reason why the country is important.

There is little corruption in Canada. In fact, the nation is ranked the 14th least corrupt in the world. The lack of corruption within Canada attracts people to the country. It also ensures Canada’s economy is efficient. The fact that Canada is one of the least corrupt countries in the world makes it an important nation.

8. Canada Has A Powerful Armed Forces

A final reason why Canada is important is because of it’s armed forces.

Canada has a highly effective military. The combined strength of its army, navy and air force may not give Canada the largest armed forces in world; however, the countries ability to deploy a strong fighting force adds to the country’s importance.

As a member of NATO, Canada’s armed forces operate alongside the militaries of other alliance members. The Canadian military is fully integrated into NATOs strategies, and the Canadian armed forces have access to the latest NATO military technology.

Canada’s military is well trained and well equipped. It has the ability to deploy worldwide and feed into wider NATO operations. The effectiveness of Canada’s armed forces is one reason the country is important.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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