9 Reasons Why Africa Is Important To The World

Africa is an amazing continent. Spanning from the deserts of north Africa to the jungles of the Congo, from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, Africa has some of the most incredible sights and people in the world. However, Africa sadly has an image problem. Many people think of Africa as poverty stricken, war-torn and unable to develop.

We want to challenge that! That’s why we’ve put together a list of the reasons why Africa is important to the whole world…

1. Africa is Enormous

The first reason why Africa is important to world is that it is big… really, really big. Africa is the second largest continent in the world. With a total land-mass of around 30.3 million Km2, Africa is truly enormous. Simply by covering a huge part of the globe, Africa is important.

Africa has a total population of 1.3 billion people. This means that over 17% of all the people in the world live in Africa. With an enormous population, Africa plays a key role in the world.

Although some of the countries in Africa may be poorer than other nations, the overall size and huge population of Africa makes it a crucial part of the world. As Africa continues to develop, it’s enormous size and huge population will mean it plays an even more important role in global affairs.

2. It Has a Young and Growing Population

The second reason why Africa is important to the world is that its population is young, and growing! Across the continent, the medium average age is just 19! With 60% of the population under the age of 25, Africa is the youngest continent.

The young age of Africa’s population can be a huge advantage for the continent. Africa’s young population, like many young people around the world, are creative, connected and dynamic. If African countries can create inclusive economies and provide opportunities for their young people, the continent will be even more important on the world stage.

Africa’s population is also growing! On average Africa’s population is growing by around 2.5% a year. Some countries in Africa, including Mali, the Central African Republic and Somalia have some of the fattest growing populations in the world.

The young and growing population of Africa is a key reason why the continent is important to world.

3. It Is Rich in Natural Resources

Africa is abundant in natural resources and this is a key reason it’s important. In the modern day, there are a huge range of minerals, materials and resources that countries require to fuel their industries. Africa has 30% of all the worlds known natural resources, and this makes it an extremely crucial place.

Spread all across the continent, Africa’s natural resources can be, and are, are a great source of wealth. Diamonds, oil, natural gas, uranium, copper, cobalt, iron and gold are just some of the natural resources Africa has in huge quantities.

Although natural resources can leave poorer countries open to exploitation, if managed properly, they can have a transformative effect across Africa.

All countries in the world require natural resources and Africa’s huge amounts mean countries on the continent are key trading partners with many nations. The amount and type of natural resources in Africa are a big reason why it is important to the world.

4. Africa Has an Amazing History

The history of the people and civilizations that have, and still do, populate the African continent are incredible. The huge range of historical achievements, developments and events that have had a lasting impact on the world from Africa make it a really important part of the world.

Across the continent of Africa, there are 145 UNESCO world heritage sites. This is a testament to the rich history of the people of Africa and shows how important the continent’s history is.

Some of the amazing historical sites across Africa include the Pyrmadi’s in Egypt, Fort Jeses in Mobassa, Kenya, Royal Palaces of Abomey, Benin and the Ruins of Loropéni, Burkina Faso. The ancient city of Timbuktu in Mali has fascinated people for centuries.

All nations in Africa have incredible histories. Although sadly African history is not as well-known around the world, the depth and richness of Africa’s past is a major reason the continent is important to the world.

5. The Continent Has Amazing Wildlife

Africa has amazing wild-life, and everyone knows it! As the home to incredible animals, Africa is important in preserving, protecting and show-casing some of the most fantastic creatures on the planet.

With 1,100 species of mammals and over 2,600 species of birds, Africa is one of the most diverse natural habitats in the world. The continent is incredibly important globally as the home of such a huge range of unique creatures.

Many of the animals that live across Africa are famous around the world. Giraffes, zebras, antelopes and hippopotamus can all be found in Africa. Countries in Africa are also home to the ‘big five’ mammals, including lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants, and buffalo.

Many people travel from across the world to see Africa’s animals. African nations also play a vital role in wildlife conservation, protecting species and ensuring these amazing animals are around for future generations.

6. Africa Is Hugely Diverse

Another reason why Africa is important to the world is because it is hugely diverse.

Across the 54 African countries there are more 2,000 spoken languages. There are also a huge range of religions across the continent, with Islam, Christianity and range of traditional African religions being practiced.

Africa is also important for its natural diversity. From the largest desert in the world – the Sahara, to jungles, savannah, mountains, lakes and rivers, Africa’s landscapes are some of the most varied, and impressive, in the world.

Africa is important to the world because of its contrasts. The continent is home to major global cities, as well as industrial and economic zones. Although sadly known for its poverty, Africa is diverse financially with a growing middle and upper-class.

If there is one thing true about Africa, it’s that the continent is among the most varied and diverse places in the world. This is a major reason why it is so important.

7. Its Economy is Growing, Fast!

Many people have the view that Africa is poor. In some ways that’s true – it is the poorest continent. However, not everywhere in Africa is under-developed. Economies across Africa are also growing… really fast! This is a key reason why Africa is becoming more and more important.

The economy of the whole continent saw economic growth of 3.7% in 2019. Compare this to Europe’s 1.9% for the same year.

Many countries in Africa have economic growth that’s even higher than the continent wide average. In 2019, Ghana was one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with 8.79% growth for the year. Other African countries that saw rapid economic growth in 2019 include Rwanda (7.8%), Ethiopia (7.7%) and Cote d’Ivoire (7.4%). These economies grew significantly more than any major Western nation.

The size and scale of Africa’s economic growth is a crucial reason why it is important to the world.

8. There Is Incredible Culture

A further reason why Africa is important to the world is its incredible cultures. Africa has a huge range of cultures spanning all 54 countries. The impact African cultures have had on the world is unmeasurable.

African culture is known for its art, music, dance, film, television and food. Africa is globally important for it’s enormous cultural reach and the influence culture from African countries has had all around the world.

From the Islamic-inspired culture of north Africa, to the nomad cultures of east Africa, from contemporary lifestyles in Africa’s largest cities – across the continent traditions and modern culture combine like nowhere else.

African cultures also have an enormous importance globally. For example, Nollywood films from Nigeria find audiences around the world. Music from South Africa inspired Paul Simons Grammy award winning multi-platinum album Graceland. African fashion and contemporary arts inspire creativity on cat-walks and in galleries from New York to Hong Kong.

9. Africa Has Contributed a Lot to The World

A final reason why Africa is important to the world is the contributions it makes, and has made, to humanity.

Many things that we take for granted every day have their origins in Africa. A great example is coffee – which originally comes from Africa.

The continent has also given us a lot of scientific and technological developments, including early mathematics and astronomy, as well as medical breakthroughs.

Africa is important to the world because it has given the world so much. As Africa continues to grow, it’s also likely to provide even more technological, economic, political and cultural developments. It is very possible that many African countries will be global leaders over the next decades, providing further proof of Africa’s importance to the whole world.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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