7 Reasons Why South America Is Important

South America is the fourth largest continent. With key nations including Brazil, Argentina and Colombia, South America should be a major part of the global economic and diplomatic arena. Actually though, the continent is poorly connected globally and often lacks influence on the world stage. However, although this may be true, it ignores the many factors for why South America is actually hugely important. Let us explain…

1. Millions Of People Live In South America

A first reason why South America is important is because so many people live there.

South America is made up of twelve countries. The continent has a total population of 422.5 million people. South America may be the second least populated continent (excluding Antarctica) but there are still a huge number of people who live across it. This makes it important.

As well as having a large population, the demographics of South America also add to the continent’s importance. The average age across South America is only 32. This makes it one of the youngest regions of the world. Having a young population gives the continent dynamism and helps to ensure future economic growth. This further adds to how important South America is.

The combination of having a large population and a young demographic means South America is likely to play an increasingly prominent role in the decades to come. This means it’s vital that other regions of the world engage strongly with South America.

2. South America Has Amazing Cultures

A second reason why South America is important is because there are amazing cultures across the continent.

South America is immensely culturally rich. The continent has a long history of indigenous cultures, known for everything from their traditional dress and customs, to food and drinks. Following the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese at the end of the 15th Century, these indigenous cultures became mixed with the culture brought through colonization. The result was a rich, unique and varied culture that is still highly prominent across South America today. This is a big reason why the continent is so important.

One factor that adds to the importance of South American culture is its variety. Across the different nations on the continent, cultures can vary greatly. Although all South American cultures are formed from a mixture of indigenous and Spanish or Portuguese, the chequered history of cocolonization and post-colonial history across the continent means there are large variations in how cultures in South America have manifested. The variety of cultures across South America is one reason why the continent is so important.

3. There Is Incredible History In South America

A third reason why South America is important is because of the continent’s fascinating history.

South America has a long and complex past. The continent had incredible indigenous communities for thousands of years. However, the arrival of European colonialists in the 1500s changed the course of the continent’s history. The importation of millions of slaves from Africa changed the culture and ethnic make-up of the continent. Spanish and Portuguese rule also changed the culture of the continent, as well as its economy.

Following the end of Spanish and Portuguese rule in the 19th Century, South America experienced a range of national projects. The 20th Centuries saw both left wing and right-wing dictatorships rule many countries on the continent. There was also an outbreak of political turmoil and armed violence and the continent struggled to create a more prosperous, and inclusive, economic model.

The history of South America is highly unique and incredibly interesting. It is a key reason why the continent is so important.

4. South America Has Stunning Natural Beauty

Another reason why South America is important is because it has so much natural beauty.

South America is renowned for its rural landscapes. Millions of people each year travel to the continent to explore its sights. The scenery across South America is highly varied, from mountains and plateaus to rainforests and beautify coastlines. The enormous variety of rural landscapes across South America, combined with their incredible beauty, makes the continent important.

As well as having some of the most stunning vistas in the world, South America is also important because of the ecological role it plays. For example, the Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world, is not only a truly unique bio-diverse habitat, but is also key to the global climate. Sadly, South America has a poor record of environmental protections, and so international efforts to try and protect both the wildlife and nature on the continent are vital. This further adds to South America’s importance.

5. There Are Incredible Cities Across South America

One reason why South America is important is because there are so many great cities across the continent.

Some of the most vibrant, interesting and fun cities in the world are in South America. Places such as Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro and Santiago are renowned for their food, culture, nightlife, architecture, history and sites to see. There are also smaller cities across South America that are high regarded, such as Medellin, Cusco and Manaus. Millions of people each year travel to South America in order to experience some of the continent’s top cities, and this another reason why it’s so important.

As well as the continent’s cities, across South America there also more rural communities that are highly unique and fascinating to visit. In many parts of South America rural life is highly traditional. People are very welcoming and many people enjoy exploring the less visited communities across the continent.

The fact that South America has so many great cities, as well as many less explored rural towns and villages, is a big factors in why the continent is important.

6. The Continent Struggles With Poverty

A further reason why South America is important is because of the widespread poverty across the continent.

All countries in South America have struggled to become truly prosperous, and ensure that all their people have a good standard of living. Although there is disparity between the wealth of nations on the continent, with some such as Chili, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina performing better, and others, such as Bolivia, Suriname and Venezuela, having much higher poverty rates; still there isn’t a country on the continent that has successfully lifted all its population out of destitution.

Poverty is a major issue in South America. Although there have been many decades of efforts, and billions of dollars in aid, poured into South America in attempts to reduce the poverty rate, still the economic models and political systems across the continent have so far meant that poverty remains a stubborn problem for South America.

The fact that 32% of people in South America live in poverty, combined with the urgent need to address the root causes of destitution on the continent, make South America vital in the fight to end global poverty.

7. South America Is Prone To Political Turmoil

A final reason why South America is important is because of the continent’s propensity for political turmoil.

South America has a history of political instability. Since gaining independence from Spain and Portugal, countries across the continent have generally struggled to achieve strong political systems. Many South American nations experienced dictatorships throughout the 20th Century. Even today, democracy across the continent is fragile. Almost all countries in South America struggle with high levels of corruption, and low levels of trust in pollical systems. These factors further exacerbate the political instability on the continent.

There is a need for outside powers to engage proactively with South American nations in order to ensure that democracy becomes entrenched and that accountable and inclusive political systems take hold. This is a major factor in why South America is so important.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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