8 Reasons Why Brazil Is An Important Country

Brazil is a large nation taking up a good proportion of the South American continent. Formed as a Portuguese colony in the 1500s, Brazil gained its independence in 1815. Today, Brazil is considered a major nation not only within the Americas, but also globally. But what makes Brazil so significant, and why do so many consider it to be such as an important country? Well, let us explain…

1. Brazil Is A Massive Country

A first reason why Brazil is an important country is because it is huge.

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world. In fact, at 3.2 million square miles, it is the fifth largest. Brazil is also the biggest country in Latin America, by far. Brazil’s size means that it dominates South and Central America – both politically and economically. This makes it an important country.

Generally, bigger countries are seen as more significant. This is because they take up a larger area, as well as because they are often the dominant nation within their region. The fact that Brazil is so big, combined with that fact that there are no nations as large within Central or South America, ensures the nation is seen as important.

Bigger nations can support larger populations and bigger economies. This is very much the case for Brazil, and it’s a reason why the nation is influential.

2. Brazil Is A Major Economy

A second reason why Brazil is an important country is because it is a major economy.

Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America. With a GDP of 1.6 trillion USD, Brazil is actually the tenth largest economy in the world. Having a major economy means that Brazil is a significant nation globally. It also means it is vital to the regional economy across South and Central America. This is one reason why Brazil is so important.

Brazilians are generally wealthy by global standards. This adds to why the nation is important. Brazil has a per capita income of 15,600 USD – this is essentially the average amount a Brazilian earns in a year. Although Brazil’s per capita income is much lower than many rich developed nations, Brazil is a solid middle-income country, meaning that Brazilians are ,on average, much better off than many people living in poorer countries. This makes the nation significant.

3. Brazil Has A Big Population

A third reason why Brazil is important is because it has a big population.

Brazil has a population of 214 million people. This makes it the most populous country in South America, and the seventh most populous in the world. Brazil’s large population allows it to play a significant role across South America both economically but also culturally. This makes the country important.

Having a large population provides many advantages for a country. Not only does it result in a larger economy, it also helps the nation build trade and business connections globally. Simply put, there are more people to start and build businesses, develop skills and create international connections.

The fact that Brazil is one of the most populous countries in the world, combined with having a much larger population that other nations in its region, makes the country significant.

4. Brazil Is A Major Diplomatic Player

Another reason why Brazil is an important country is because it plays a major role in international diplomacy.

Brazil is a member of the United Nations, as well as the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). In both it plays a prominent role. Brazil is especially active in relation to South and Central American affairs, as well on events related to the Caribbean. As one of the major nations in the region, Brazil takes a leading role within multi-lateral organizations. This is a big reason why the country is important.

As well as the prominent role Brazil takes in organizations such as UN, it also utilizes bi-lateral diplomacy effectively. The country has 205 embassies and consulates around the world. These allow Brazil to build strong connections with other nations.

Brazil is often seen as a more neutral country on the world stage, less closely aligned to major power blocs such as the US or China. This allows Brazil to play a significant role in international diplomacy, and further adds to the country’s importance.

5. Brazil Has An Amazing Culture

One reason why Brazil is seen as important is because of the country’s amazing culture.

Brazil is world famous for its culture. Brazilian culture is known for its vibrancy, life-fullness and excitement. Everything from Brazilian food and dress, to dance and music, has a global following. Brazilian culture is especially influential across Latin America. This is a sign of how important the country is.

It is important to note that Brazil is also highly culturally diverse. This adds to the nation’s significance. As we’ve said, Brazil is a massive country, with many different ethnic, linguistic and cultural groups. Many of these sub-cultures across Brazil have long-standing customs and traditions that are highly unique. The cultural diversity across Brazil is another reason why the country is so important.

6. There Are Incredible Cities In Brazil

A key factor in why Brazil is so important is because there many great cities across the country.

The Brazilian cities of Sao Paulo and Rio Janeiro are world famous. Both are known for their vibrancy, culture, food, nightlife, museums and architecture. They are considered global cities – both are centres for finance, business and trade, and both pull significant numbers of tourists to the country.

As well as Brazil’s too main cities, there are also many other cities across the country that are renowned. These include Salvador, Fortaleza and Manaus. The capital of Brazil – Brasilia, may not be known for its culture, but is unique in its architecture and history.

The range of incredible cities across Brazil is one reason why the country is so important.

7. Brazil Has Amazing Natural Wonders

A further reason why Brazil is an important country is because it is so beautiful.

Brazil is known the world over for its natural beauty. The country has everything from stunning beaches to amazing mountains. The Amazon rainforest – the largest in the world, is also mostly located within Brazil. The country’s natural wonders are a big reason why it’s so important.

As well as having a huge range of stunning landscapes, Brazil is also known for its wildlife. The Amazon rainforest in particular is renowned for its biodiversity.

The combination of beautiful landscapes and incredible wildlife makes Brazil an important country.

8. Brazil Has A Strong Military

A final reason why Brazil is such an important country is because it has a strong military.

Brazil has the largest and most powerful armed forces in South America. With 334,500 active-duty personnel, and 1.3 million reservists, the Brazilian army is a significant fighting force. The Brazilian Air Force has 527 combat aircraft, and the country’s Navy has 134 war ships. The size of the Brazilian military makes the country significant.

As well as having a large armed forces, the Brazilian military is also well-trained and well equipped. This adds to its effectiveness.

The combined size, as well as the high-quality training and equipment at the disposal of the Brazilian armed forces, is one reason why the country is so important.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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