6 Reasons Why France Is Better Than Spain

France and Spain are both major countries in Europe. They are about the same size, with a similar population. They even share an over 650-mile border. However, in fact, France and Spain are two very different nation.  Each have a range of factors that make them incredible countries, but, if you’re asking… there are actually some reasons why France is better than Spain. We’ll tell you why…

France Is Richer Than Spain

A first reason why France is better than Spain is because French people are richer.

France has a per capita income of 51,660 USD – this is essentially the average amount a French person earns in a year. France actually has the 23rd highest per capita income in the world. French people are wealthy by global standards. They generally work good jobs and have money to cover their basic needs, as well as money left over to spend on things they enjoy.

Spain has a lower per capita income than France – at 40,910 USD. This one reason why you could argue that France is better than Spain. Spanish people are still generally wealthy, especially by global standards, and Spain does have the 36th highest per capita income in the world; however, compared to France, Spanish people are on average poorer.

Although it might not be by much, it cannot be ignored that French people are better off than Spanish. You could say that this is one reason why France is better than Spain.

2. France Has A Larger Economy Than Spain

A second reason why France is better than Spain is because of its larger economy.

France has a GDP of 2.85 trillion USD. A country’s GDP is the total value of the goods and services it produces. France has the seventh highest GDP in the world. This shows that France has a strong economy. It is also evidence that the French economy is dynamic and inclusive, as it can support a wide range of industries that generate wealth. France has major economic sectors including manufacturing, computer sciences, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and tourism.

Spain’s GDP is lower than France’s, and this is one reason why France is better. The GDP of Spain is 1.42 trillion dollars. It’s important to note that this still gives Spain a significant economy. In fact, Spain has the 15th largest economy globally. However, Spain’s economy is smaller than that of France, meaning there are less economic sectors, as well as less wealth being generated. Spain’s economy is high-tech, but not as much as France’s. This is another reason why some say that France is better.

3. France Gets More Tourists Than Spain

A third reason why France is better than Spain is because it gets more tourists.

France is the country in the world with the highest number of tourists each year. In 2019, France received over 90 million international visitors. The country is world famous for its incredible cities, including Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Toulouse, as well as its amazing rural areas such as Dordogne, and Bordeaux. People visit France for its food and wine, as well as its culture and historical sites. The simple fact that France gets the most tourists in the world makes it better than other countries in this regard.

Spain is actually the second country in the world receiving the most overseas visitors. However, with 83 million visitors in 2019, there is quite a gap in numbers between France and Spain. This is one way that France is better. Many people visit Spain for similar reasons to France – the food and drink, stunning cities and countryside, and the culture and history.

Both France and Spain are amazing countries to visit. However, the fact that France gets more tourists overall is a factor that makes it better.

4. France Is Great Soft Power Than Spain

Another reason why France is better than Spain is because of the country’s immense soft power.

A country’s soft power is its ability to use cooperation and influence to affect global events to be in their interest, as opposed to hard power were military force or coercion is used. France is a soft super power. It has mastered how to use influence to ensure that its strategic goals are met.

France is a permanent member of the UN security council. It also highly active in the European Union and in NATO. France has 162 embassies around the world, which further help it build strong relationships with other countries.

Although Spain is adept at using soft power, it cannot be denied that France is better at it. Spain is a UN member state, but does not have a permanent seat on the security council. Spain is also a member of NATO, but has a smaller military presence than France. Spain does have a wide diplomatic network, with 125 embassies around the world, however it is less active at using its influence to achieve foreign policy objectives. This is one way that France is better than Spain.

5. France Donates More In Aid Than Spain

One reason why France is better than Spain is because France donates more in international aid.

France is one of the largest donors of humanitarian assistance in the world. In 2022, the country donated over 15 billion dollars to fight poverty globally and assist people impacted by conflicts, disasters and crises. France is a major donor to UN agencies doing humanitarian and development work. There are also many humanitarian NGOs that come from France, including Médecins sans Frontières, Action Contre la Faim, Solidarités International, and Médecins du Monde. These are some of the most famous, and best respected, aid agencies globally and France is renowned for its humanitarian and disaster relief work.

Spain has a much smaller presence in the world of humanitarianism and international development. In 2022, Spain donated 4.2 billion dollars in international aid. This is still a significant sum, but is less than France and it shows one way that France is actually better. Spain also has less large and well-known humanitarian NGOs. In fact, many of the main Spanish aid agencies are branches of French organizations.

The fact that France is a larger donor of overseas aid is an example of how it is better than Spain.

6. France Is A Strong Military Power Than Spain

A final reason why France is a better country than Spain is because of its stronger military.

France has a significant armed forces. With 118,000 active-duty soldiers, and 26,000 reservists, 226 main battle tanks, over 200 combat aircraft and 180 warships, France has the second more powerful army in Europe. On a global scale France’s military is quite small, especially compared to major powers like the US, China and Russia. However, France has proven itself to have a highly effective military.

Spain also has a moderately large army; however, it is smaller and generally considered less effective than France’s. Spain is also not a nuclear power, whereas France is. These factors combined are seen by some as a reason why France is better than Spain.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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