Could America Join The European Union? We’ve Got The Answer

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union made up of 27 European countries. Founded in 1993, it aims for closer integration and harmonisation between the countries of Europe.

America is the most powerful country on earth. It is also a close ally of the EU and has significant economic links with the bloc. But could we see this go further? Would it be possible for the EU to expand and add the US as a member state? Could America actually join the EU?

America could not join the European Union. To join the EU, countries must have a free market economy, have democratic institutions and be on the European continent. The US does not meet all these criteria as it is not a European country.

But that’s just an overview. In order to fully understand if America could become an EU member state, we need to go into a bit more detail…

Is America In The European Union?

In order to assess America’s position in relation to the European Union, we first need to ask, is the United States already a member of the EU?

The United States is not in the European Union. Only countries on the European continent are eligible to join the EU. America has never been invited to join the EU or been a candidate for membership.

There has never been a time in history when the United States was a member of the European Union. Although America has a close relationship with the EU and the US and EU could be considered allies. However, the US is not a member state of the European Union.

There are ongoing discussions between the European Union and United States on establishing a trade deal between them. This would reduce tariffs on some goods being sold in the European and US markets. This would bring the economies of America and the EU into closer alignment. However, it would not make the US an EU member state.

Why Is America Not In The European Union?

So, it’s clear the United States is not a member of the European Union. But this begs a question – why not? Why isn’t America part of the EU?

America is not in the European Union because it is not a European country. Although the US does meet many of the main criteria to join the EU – being a democratic country with a free market economy, only countries in Europe can join the EU.

When assessing countries as possible members, the EU uses what is known as the Copenhagen Criteria. These were established in 1993 at the European Council in Copenhagen, Denmark. They lay out the conditions a country must meet in order to become an EU member state.

The main aspects of the Copenhagen Criteria are:

  • A nation must be geographically in Europe
  • A country must be democratic
  • A nation must have strong adherence to the rule of law
  • Human rights in the country must be respected
  • Minority rights must be protected
  • A country must have a free market economy
  • A country’s economy must be strong enough to compete within the EU single market

Looking at all of these criteria set out by the EU that member states must meet if they are to join, it is clear that America meets almost all of them.

The US is a democratic country with respect for human rights and legal protections for minorities. America also adheres strongly to the rule of law. The United States is also a free-market economy that would be strong enough to compete against European economies within the EU’s single market.

Although the US meets almost all the criteria to join the European Union, there is one major criteria that is doesn’t…. it is not a European country.

The European Union has made it clear that only countries on the European continent can become member states. Although the decision on what exactly is Europe is a political decision taken by the EU (for example, Georgia is an applicant for EU member statehood), it is clear that the US – being in north America, is not in Europe.

In 1987, the EU rejected an application by Morocco to join stating that it was not a European country. This makes it clear that the US could not join the European Union because it is not in Europe.

Will The US Ever Join The European Union?

The next question we need to ask in order to understand if America could join the European Union is if it is likely that the US will become an EU member state in the future?

It is almost certain that America will not join the European Union. It is extremely unlikely the EU will expand to include countries outside the continent of Europe. However, it is possible that the US and EU develop closer economic partnerships.

As we’ve discussed, the US does not meet one of the main criteria needed to join the EU. This is major reason why it will never become a member state.

Although it is possible that the EU changes it’s criteria for membership or provides some nations with an exemption from the criteria, it is extremely unlikely this would happen for America. There is not political will or public support in Europe for adding America as an EU member state. There are also no calls in the US for America to join the EU. This means there are no incentives for politicians to go against the criteria and consider America as a possible candidate for membership.

What If The United States Joined The EU?

Ok, so it’s extremely unlikely, almost impossible, for the United States to join the European Union. But let’s put that aside for a minute and think about what would happen if America became an EU member state…

America joining the European Union would be a major shift in the global economic and political order. The economies of Europe and the US would become more closely linked. There would also be closer trade, cultural and educational ties between EU and US. There would also be some hostility to the EU and US uniting.

The repercussions of the US joining the EU would be wide-ranging. Firstly, it would alter the US and European economies. The EU is a single market meaning there is harmonisation in standards on goods and services available within the EU. If America joined the EU it would need to adopt EU standards, in the way any new member state of the EU do. This would involve major changes to the US economy.

A second major change that would happen if America joined the European Union would be the movement of people. All citizens of the EU have freedom of movement. This means they can live, work, travel and move to any country in the union without restrictions. If the US joined the EU, freedom of movement would be extended to it. We would likely see large number of Europeans moving to America to live and work, and significant numbers of Americans moving to Europe.

America is already a part of NAFTA – the North America Free Trade Agreement. This is a free trade area including the US, Canada, and Mexico. It is likely the US would need to leave NAFTA in order to join the European Union.

States hostile to the Western world and the US would likely oppose America joining the EU. Countries such as Russia, China and Iran would see it as strengthening the Western world’s dominance.

There would likely be hostility in both the US and Europe if America joined the EU. This would have profound affects on the politics of America and many European countries.

Why America Shouldn’t Be An EU Member?

Although it’s clear that America is not going to become an EU member state, in order to understand why not, we need to think about what the downsides would be of American membership of the union? What are the reasons why America should not be an EU member state? Really, there are four:

  • Economic differences between the US and EU
  • Cultural differences between America and Europe
  • Contrast between political systems
  • Both EU and US could become strategically weaker
  • Already successful relationship between America and the EU

Let’s take a quick look at each of these in-turn…

Economic Differences Between US And EU

A first reason why America should not join the European Union is because of economic differences between the two. The EU and US have different laws and standards on many products and services. Their economies also have different bases and require different controls and stimulus. The differences between the economies of the US and EU are too great to harmonise them into a single economic union.

Cultural Differences Between America and Europe

A second reason why the United States should not be an EU member is because of the cultural differences between America and Europe. Views on key issues including free healthcare, abortion, gun rights, gay rights and foreign interventions are just some examples of areas Europe and the US generally disagree on. There is also a different history, societal make-up and world view between the US and Europe.  

Contrast Between Political Systems

America and the EU have different political systems. This is another reason why the United States should not join the EU. The European Union is an international body that sits above national governments. Although this is not incompatible with the American political system, the political make-up of European countries and the US is very contrasted.

Both EU And US Could Become Strategically Weaker

A fourth reason why the United States should not join the European Union is that it would make both America and the EU strategically weaker. Integrating the politics and economies on both sides of Atlantic would create a co-dependency in both Europe and the US.

The distances between the two-halves of an expanded EU, as well as America and Europe’s different roles in the world, would mean the economies would be open to disruption and possible interference. Although the EU and US are strong allies – linking the two tightly together could make them strategically weaker.

Already Successful Relationship Between America and the EU

A final reason why America should not become a member state of the European Union is because the EU and US already have a good working relationship. As we have said, Europe and America are strong allies. There is also already significant trade between the two economic blocs. Changing this relationship, that is already works, by adding the US to the EU would likely only come as a disadvantage.

What Would Be The Benefits of America Joining the EU?

So, we’ve gone over why it would not be good for the United States to join the European Union. However, that’s really only half the picture. Although it is clear that America joining the EU would have many downsides, we do also need to look at what benefits there may be of US membership of the EU. These can really be broken down into four areas:

  • EU would have a much larger economy
  • Population of the EU would be massively Increased
  • European Union would dominate internationally
  • EU would have increased defence

Let’s go over each of these…

EU Would Have A Much Larger Economy

A first benefit of America joining the European Union would be the expansion in size of the EU’s economy.  The US is the largest economy in the world, making up over 24% of the total global economy.  The EU is around 15% of the global economy. Combined, a joint EU-American economy would be enormous. The sheer size of the EU’s economy if it joined with the US would be a major benefit of making America a part of the EU.

Population Of The EU Would Be Massively Increased

A second benefit of the US joining the European Union would be the increase in the EU’s population size. The European Union currently has a population of 746 million people. America has a population of 329 million. Combined, they would be the third largest population bloc in the world. The huge size of the EU’s population if America joined would give it huge global power.

European Union Would Dominate Internationally

If America became part the EU, it would be the richest economic union in the world. It would also cover an enormous geographic area. The US is the strongest country in the world with huge global influence. The EU also holds significant influence around the world. Combining these would make a region so powerful it would be hard to contend with and would dominate global affairs.

EU Would Have Increased Defence

A final benefit of the United States joining the European Union is the boost to Europe’s defence that would come. Although the US and almost every member of the EU are already members of NATO, which provides them with NATO mutual defence guarantee, if the US joined the EU defence cooperation would only strengthen further.

Global Affairs Explained

Global Affairs Explained is an ongoing project aiming to provide concise guides to world events. Focusing on international relations, history, and geo-politics, Global Affairs Explained uses original research and data to answer questions often not covered by traditional media.

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